Yes, Diane! I would like to contribute to the African Missions and support you in your Charity Climb to the snows of Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,340 ft) on January 16, 2011. I need your financial support to reach my goal to raise $15,000 for the 5 Missions. "I think you're crazy" said one donor," but I like your crazy, here is my check." Diane is paying all of her own expenses including; airfare, transportation, climbing crew, lodging, food, visas and all incidentals.
Please print this page, fill it out and mail it to the address listed below. Thank you for your generosity! Print-Friendly Donation Form
100% to 96% of every dollar donated will go directly to the recipient, no bureaucracies.
To donate: select one or more of the 5 Missions in Africa. Diane will visit and volunteer at each mission. She will witness first hand how your donation is making a difference in the lives of thousands of African children. She'll keep you updated through twitter, facebook and Put Diane's blog: in your "favorites" and visit often. Please join us on twitter@adventurediane and facebook @adventurediane
____Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Manyoni, Tanzania
____Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, Nairobi, Kenya
____Congregation of St. Joseph Sisters, Songea, Tanzania,
____Dominican Sisters of Peace, Kaduna, Nigeria
Make your check(s)/money order(s) payable to your selected organization(s) and mail to Diane.
Here is my gift of: __$25 __$50 __$75 __ $100___ Other: $__________
Thank You! Your gift is tax-deductible. Your check is your receipt.
Name: ____________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State:_______ Zip:____________
Email: ___________________________________________________________
Telephone: Area Code________ Phone_________________________________
Telephone: Area Code________ Phone_________________________________
Mail to: Diane Molitor Palmer, Mt, Kili Charity Climb, PO Box 543, Wichita, KS 67201
Mail by March 31, 2011. Donations after the deadline are gratefully accepted.
Credit Card