Yes, Diane! I would like to contribute to the African Missions and support you in your Charity Climb to the snows of Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,340 ft) on January 16, 2011. I need your financial support to reach my goal to raise $15,000 for the 5 Missions. "I think you're crazy" said one donor," but I like your crazy, here is my check." Diane is paying all of her own expenses including; airfare, transportation, climbing crew, lodging, food, visas and all incidentals.
Please print this page, fill it out and mail it to the address listed below. Thank you for your generosity! Print-Friendly Donation Form
100% to 96% of every dollar donated will go directly to the recipient, no bureaucracies.
To donate: select one or more of the 5 Missions in Africa. Diane will visit and volunteer at each mission. She will witness first hand how your donation is making a difference in the lives of thousands of African children. She'll keep you updated through twitter, facebook and Put Diane's blog: in your "favorites" and visit often. Please join us on twitter@adventurediane and facebook @adventurediane
____Adorers of the Blood of Christ, Manyoni, Tanzania
____Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, Nairobi, Kenya
____Congregation of St. Joseph Sisters, Songea, Tanzania,
____Dominican Sisters of Peace, Kaduna, Nigeria
Make your check(s)/money order(s) payable to your selected organization(s) and mail to Diane.
Here is my gift of: __$25 __$50 __$75 __ $100___ Other: $__________
Thank You! Your gift is tax-deductible. Your check is your receipt.
Name: ____________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State:_______ Zip:____________
Email: ___________________________________________________________
Telephone: Area Code________ Phone_________________________________
Telephone: Area Code________ Phone_________________________________
Mail to: Diane Molitor Palmer, Mt, Kili Charity Climb, PO Box 543, Wichita, KS 67201
Mail by March 31, 2011. Donations after the deadline are gratefully accepted.
Credit Card
Yes, you can use your credit card online by clicking onto the website of the mission you would like to donate to. All organizations have direct donation online except for the Adorers of the Blood of Christ (it is a work in progress). If you donate by credit card, please specify that it is for the mission in Africa, Diane's Mt. Kili Charity Climb. Your generosity can give them a "heads up" not a hand out.