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Coleman (Mad Dog) Duffel Bags Filled with Combing Gear |
Bob and I finalized packing the gear on Sunday evening (1/9) that we are taking for the Mt. Kili climb. We will be climbing through 5 temperature zones; it is like going from the equator to the North Pole. It was difficult to decide what to take and what to leave out. The porters will only carry 35 lbs of weight per trekker. Mountain Vision Expedition our outfitter had a list of suggested items. We have all of them and then some. Bob is a great packer! Not only do we have gear and clothes for the climb but important food and nutrients. We will have a cook on the climb that prepares the food, and provides water and beverages. However we wanted to take food/drink to keep us as fit as possible. Bob purchased some lean beef jerky, dried fruits and nuts. I brought the protein bars and Cytomax performance drink (powder) I used in my cycle training for the Century ride in 2007, plus lots of Vitamin C. . We started taking the anti-malaria medicine last Wednesday and will take 1 pill per week while in Africa and then on the return for 2 more weeks. We start taking the altitude sickness medication (Diomox) on January 14th then one pill a day during the climb and then 2 days after the climb. Other than those two meds nothing else is necessary.
We both feel great. Ready to get on the "big bird" for a journey of our lifetime. Count down to departure is on.....See tab "Follow in our Footsteps" for details of time and routing from the USA to Kilimanjaro. Air miles to Kilimanjaro is just over 8,000 miles.
My next posting will be from Africa. Please feel free to post on the blog or email us at adventurediane@gmail.com
We appreciate all the encouraging words and prayers.
Diane and Bob
Diane - have a fabulous trip! We will be praying for you and checking up on your updates. God bless you on your journey! Love, Jen, Dan and the kids